After the soul has been severed from the body, it continues its journey, its path unknown, the destination unknown. It is a trembling day. – Zohar 1:201b Trembling Day The moon’s paw padded silently among hurrying clouds. Giant pines wore feather boas of fog. And a bluff of limestone glowed soft as a breast in […]
Secret Light
We are a dream that woke up. Ardipithecus. Paranthropus. Australopithecus. Homo. Thick with sleep, we feel deeper behind our darkness to the secret light brightening all around us 250,000 years ago as the forests retreat and the savanna unrolls. The mother of us all sits there. Will the hyenas find her in the tall grass? […]
Fractal Freaks
All things in this world have a mystery of their own. — Zohar 2:16a Psycho Macchina Morning glittered across the dewy turf brilliant as Mozart. The white building on the manicured lawn looked like music, too. Its melodious, horizontal geometry of stucco walls curved to green tinted glass and created a feeling of movement. Landscape […]
Return to Chalco-Doror
William Hunt Jr. has created a gallery of character portraits from my novel The Last Legends of Earth using Wonder, an AI image generator. This medium is so condign with science fiction, I’m moved to display some of his portraits here along with quotes from the novel. The images occupy the synapse between text and […]
Dreams That Love the Yew
Who speaks for the Kenning Stone? Not Merlin. Merlin speaks for no one since Nimue beguiled him. Though he raised the great stone from Cimmerian caverns to clasp Excalibur, the wizard could not lift himself above lust. The Wiccan women he took as lovers stole his power. In the enchanted forest of Brocéliande, he wanders […]
Wonder Bred
In the dream of a memory, we are again protists (prōtistos “the very first”). Two billion years ago, starved for nitrogen in the primordial sea, two protists tried to cannibalize each other and instead merged their nucleoli. From the very beginning then, food and sex became one joy! The combined protists contained two of everything: […]