Cattle mutilation comes to mind. Abduction, of course, and physical violation. Damage to cultivated fields. Trespass of restricted government sites. Distraction of military and commercial flights. And – can this be true? – deactivating and then restarting nuclear missiles! ( Too many vices. Not enough voices. Crop circle communiques (such as Hawkins’ Fifth Crop Circle […]
Assume the Superposition
Have you heard about Roger Penrose’s Cyclic Conformal Cosmology? Our universe – from Big Bang to its demise as a vastly expanding thermal equilibrium – is just one eon of a series of eons. How many? Who knows? Light knows. From the perspective of light, there is neither time nor space. Reality is instantaneous. At […]
Reckonings of the Human Spirit in a Holographic Universe
“Let us not forget that we do not actually live in the world of microparticles. We are their product.” – Florin Gaiseanu Might reality actually be one-dimensional cosmic strings vibrating in ten dimensions on the two-dimensional boundary surface of the universe and projecting as a hologram the entire volume of spacetime – all two trillion […]
Supertranslations of Night and the Animal Soul
Did you know that black holes are expanding at the speed of light? Every point on the spherical surface of a black hole is a ray of light suspended, motionless, because the boundary, the event horizon, is already moving outward at the speed of light. Gravity and the curvature of spacetime keep it from expanding. […]
You and I
Is evil the displacement of good? And is flesh the madness of matter? I mean, consider the orderliness of the periodic table. Elements display exquisitely precise properties, combining with unerring predictability into molecules. But then, what happens when atoms arrange into flesh? They dream. Why should atoms dream? Why should an arrangement of atoms color […]
What we know about light we’ve known for over a hundred years: At the speed of light, time stops, space contracts to nothing. For light, reality is instantaneous. From our latest understanding of the very beginning of the universe – at the Big Bang – everything existed as pure light in a point a trillion […]