Why does the straw look broken in the water? Because light moves slower in water. Why? The scattering of photons off water molecules isn’t the reason. Photons are very small and almost all of them zip right through the water without ever meeting a water molecule. The actual reason connects us with the reality of […]
Dreamsprung Avalon
The moon in a day sky kites above orchard lawns and rolling hills. I forget who I was before. Among crooked lanes of gnarled apple trees, breezes wend their wild ways. I listen deeper and hear far off the dirge of the sea. Realer than real, a white elk – wearing a crown! – steps […]
Better Call Sol
3,350 years ago in ancient Egypt, the pharaoh Akhenaten, husband of Nefertiti, discarded the traditional pantheon of his culture and adopted the worship of Aten, the disc of the Sun. This monotheistic reverence for the solar deity lasted only a short while. After the demise of Akhenaten, Egypt’s traditional polytheism reasserted itself. What was that […]
Investigations of the Fractal Blood Soul
After the soul has been severed from the body, it continues its journey, its path unknown, the destination unknown. It is a trembling day. – Zohar 1:201b Trembling Day The moon’s paw padded silently among hurrying clouds. Giant pines wore feather boas of fog. And a bluff of limestone glowed soft as a breast in […]
Secret Light
We are a dream that woke up. Ardipithecus. Paranthropus. Australopithecus. Homo. Thick with sleep, we feel deeper behind our darkness to the secret light brightening all around us 250,000 years ago as the forests retreat and the savanna unrolls. The mother of us all sits there. Will the hyenas find her in the tall grass? […]
Fractal Freaks
All things in this world have a mystery of their own. — Zohar 2:16a Psycho Macchina Morning glittered across the dewy turf brilliant as Mozart. The white building on the manicured lawn looked like music, too. Its melodious, horizontal geometry of stucco walls curved to green tinted glass and created a feeling of movement. Landscape […]