Most of the particles in the universe are entangled.1
Entangled particles in 3D are connected by wormholes in 4D.2
By the way (and this is really interesting), the entanglement of wormholes doesn’t occur in spacetime. It actually creates spacetime.3
And, as everyone now knows, spacetime is expanding ever faster thanks to dark energy. It will double in size in ten billion years.4
And in googol (10100) years, when all the supermassive black holes have evaporated? What will the accelerating expansion of space have wrought by then?
We should keep in mind that the accelerating expansion of the universe decreases mass density and, even more so, energy density, because the expansion stretches the wavelengths of photons.
What does this really mean for photons, which have an infinite lifetime? What wavelengths will photons have in a googol years?
Protons, too, may well be eternal. If so, they and the photons of the far, far future will still be connected by the entanglement that is weaving spacetime into an unimaginably huge expanse.
This assumes a lot, of course.
No false vacuum decay.
No Big Rip or Big Freeze or Big Crunch.
No conformal invariance initiating the next Penrose Eon.
Perhaps, instead, a very different Reality emerges, the next turtle up, with more turtles all the way up.
Let’s imagine a kinetic vastness vibrating with the same entangled and elastic wormholes of protons and photons from our earlier universe – but now, writ very, very large.
Maybe those vibrations of entangled wormholes composing spacetime express frequencies, wave patterns, not at all aimless but conveying the order from which they arose, the order we see all around us, but unfolded, opening up into the incomprehensible, into this new Reality, self-organizing the nameless ones beginning their own relentless unending.
1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2012.09.047
4 https://hubblesite.org/contents/news-releases/2022/news-2022-005