“Let us not forget that we do not actually live in the world of microparticles. We are their product.” – Florin Gaiseanu
Might reality actually be one-dimensional cosmic strings vibrating in ten dimensions on the two-dimensional boundary surface of the universe and projecting as a hologram the entire volume of spacetime – all two trillion galaxies?
Might consciousness manifest as a unified four-dimensional spacetime field, with “place cells” contouring a four-dimensional cognitive map in the brain?
Might the human spirit itself wake up from our biological dreaming to our creative legacy, which connects the new reality of the holographic universe with our gut bacteria producing neurotransmitters that influence choices before the quantum gates, where body meets Psyche in memories, microfeels, dreams, fantasies, and media images perceived as real?
Might mystery appear as a shiny crow turning its head to present the sequin of one eye so near in its watching that a ray of darkness penetrates the distance we imagine between us?