Cybernetic superintelligence is emerging from our simian minds. Are we strong enough for this uncanny face-off with an artifact smarter than we are?
Quick assessment: We’ve been strong enough to break open atoms and peer inside the nucleus at the colorful dance moves of quarks and quark-pairs called gluons jitterbugging at the speed of light. But that strength masks madness. For generations, our astonishing intellect has tolerated the horror of imminent nuclear self-annihilation. What to make of this crazy paradox?
We’re canny. Except when we’re uncanny.
How could we be otherwise? We are solar fire alive on the stone face of the Earth. For our abode, we have history’s empty mansions, haunted by ghosts calling themselves memes.
Listen. Though you won’t hear them, it’s good to listen. Silence is never saying nothing.